Nick Wood


I'm a software engineer in Silicon Valley. This website is part of my attempt to keep my online presence under my own control (if not entirely under my direct ownership).

Contact Me

I'm a fairly private person these days, but I'm open to being contacted in a professional capacity via email. If you don't have any professional reason for contacting me, I prefer you reach out to me by following and interacting with my personal Mastodon account. Please be nice.

This Website

I'm using a static website manager called Zola, because I like its level of simplicity. You can get similar results with Jekyll or Hugo as well. These tools all do fundamentally the same thing.

The layout and color scheme for this website is heavily modeled on Steph Ango's website, because I like how it looks and reads. I'm not a web design expert though, so I'm sure it's never going to be quite as polished as his site is. Maybe I'll get better at it over time though.